Don't take IT easy
Part 2 of a 5-part series of articles to help small and mid-size businesses manage their tech resources and grow their business.
August 16, 2022

Renovators, here’s why you need to get C-CAPS certified – now
Numbers don’t lie, and the story that the figures from Statistics Canada tell us is that we have a rapidly aging population. Of course, individual Canadians aren’t getting older any fast
July 25, 2022

Five unwritten rules of customer confidentiality
Did you ever have a potential customer who should have been excited about doing business with you but seemed reserved?
July 25, 2022

How new technology can improve efficiencies, and reduce emissions
Fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions are becoming major factors in the construction industry and, as a result, companies are starting to change the way they operate.
June 22, 2022

Generating repeat business by converting a single sale into a cash cow
By enhancing your customers' perceived value of what they just purchased from you, you can leverage a first-time sale into a virtual lifetime of loyalty and referrals.
May 09, 2022