Consumer show survival guide
By Dave Gray Fall Home show season is just around the corner. Setting up a booth at a consumer show can be a great way to generate business. Fall Home show season is just around the corner. Sett
October 19, 2022

Is your building EV ready?
Every second that passes is one tick closer to Net Zero 2050, when Canada has pledged to have reduced its greenhouse gas emissions to the point where we are carbon neutral.
October 19, 2022

Affordable energy efficiency
By Regina Gadacz To achieve our national energy goals, we need to start looking at older housing stock. Images courtesy of Butterwick Construction & Carpentry Ltd. Newly built Canadian homes ha
September 13, 2022
Backup home generators help make things a little less unpredictable
By Regina Gadacz When it comes to choosing a home generator, the decision largely hinges on just how much power the homeowner wants or needs to retain in the event of an outage. Global warming ha
September 13, 2022

Hot Stuff
Plumbing guru Gary Klein explains some basic facts about hot water supply. It’s no mystery what your clients want out of their hot water tap: clean water at the right temperature…and fas
August 16, 2022