Stone Renaissance: Manufactured Stone Revisited
By Steve Maxwell Advances in the quality and authenticity of manufactured stone are partially responsible for the explosion in popularity of stone for residential and light commercial projects today.
April 07, 2021
Hiring and Firing: Hunt Don't Fish
By Steve Maxwell For as long as I can remember I’ve been hearing the same heartfelt complaints from contractors. “We can’t find good people! No one wants to work these days. I can&r
April 07, 2021
Visible Timbers: Three practical ways to expose the beauty of structural wood in your next project
Canada probably grows more big trees than any other country in the world, but you’d never know it by looking at Canadian houses. Even though wood is always involved in construction, it’s typically sawn into boring, uniform 1-1/2” planks, spiked together with no thought for appearance, then hidden under drywall.
March 11, 2021
How to Control Moisture: Building Science Rules for Contractors
The enemy of buildings is moisture. In the presence of moisture: wood rots, concrete spalls, steel rusts and gypsum turns to mush. For building contractors, controlling moisture is job one.
March 11, 2021
How to Avoid Fence and Deck Nightmares
Three steps prevent profit-sapping outdoor wood finishing disasters. Depending on when during the life cycle of a project you see a particular client call in on your cell, it can fill you with joy, indifference or panic.
February 08, 2021